Let us help your story reach its audience

Mission statement

We believe that independent podcasts, no matter how small or niche, are an important part of a healthy media ecosystem. We strive to uplift the lived experiences and special interests of people who don’t see themselves or their subjects properly represented in podcasting.

sunlight lights up a hillside of trees with a blue sky

What makes us unique

We specialize in taking candid, rambling conversations about topics of interest and tightening them up into a more aerodynamic version of themselves. Your voice comes through more authentically for having just a little polishing in the gaps, and we work with you to make sure that your voice sounds how YOU want it, not how we think it should be.

Let us help you bring your message, your lived experiences, and your passions to your audience.

What makes you unique

Our little podcasting family is home to a vibrant, active community of kind people. We seek like-minded folks who believe that all voices have valid stories to share. We believe in diversity, equity and inclusion and the power of platforming creative, interesting perspectives from all walks of life. We welcome collaborations with creators who are eager to share their authentic passions and unique lived experiences.

a basket of freshly washed cherry tomatoes in shades of red and yellow
bare branches and dead grass dominate the landscape on either side of a full and cold looking river that is falling over a moderate waterfall

What we offer

We meet you where you are, providing customized assistance to help with whatever you need to make your podcasting experience as seamless as possible. This broadly falls into three categories:

  • Advice / coaching
  • Assistance with mundane tasks or occasional editing
  • Editing, post-production, and publishing

Interested in more detail about our services? Read more here.


Each project is unique, as is each client. We strive to balance our need to get paid a fair amount with our client’s resources.

AI use policy

The use of AI in podcast editing and production is rapidly accelerating. We here at FARM do not like the idea of handing over editorial power to AI systems, nor do we think the energy demands of AI content generation are appropriate for the tasks they could replace. There will be no AI used to edit audio for any FARM podcasts. Potential uses of AI in our deliverables include rough transcripts and episode show notes.

Copyright policy

All podcasts created with FARM are the intellectual property of the hosts of the podcast.

Non-discrimination statement

FARM acknowledges historic and modern patterns of discrimination and strives to disrupt those patterns where they exist in our company and relationships with our clients.

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